10 hrs workshop

Basic Principles of Yoga Practice

In the world of modern yoga, we have lost the depth of understanding of this ancient Science of self-knowledge. Having turned yoga into a sport, we have lost the opportunity to use the tools of yoga in order to discover the source of peace, love and joy of life in ourselves. The course of basic principles of yoga practice will give you a correct understanding of what Yoga is based on an ancient source – “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”. You will receive the keys to successful concentration, relaxation and mindfulness both during practice and in everyday life.

Class Schedule

09:30 ~ 12:00
The principles of yama-niyama during the practice of asanas;
An honest attitude to your capabilities, without violence to your body;
Proper practice leads to contentment and peace of mind. Formation of the correct attitude to the practice of asanas and practical training with the application of these principles.
12:00 ~ 13:30
13:30 ~ 16:00
The principles of yama-niyama during meditation practice;
The method of concentration and how to deal with the disturbing states of mind during your practice;
Description of the stages of concentration (pratyahara-dharana-dhyana);
Introduction to the method of practicing mantras;
A practical lesson with the principles described above.

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09:30 ~ 12:00
The relationship of chakras and emotions;
How yoga practice helps us to become aware of our habits and change our personality weaknesses to strengths;
The method of one action and the principle of 21 days ;
What we think about, we feel. Practical visualization lesson, working with emotions.
12:00 ~ 13:30
13:30 ~ 16:00
Principles of practice with the spine and joints;
Practice in statics (asana) and dynamics (vinyasa);
Classification of asanas in four directions: 1) balances; 2) working with the spine; 3) opening the hip joints; 4) inverted poses;
A practical lesson with the application of the principles studied.

11/5 – 11/6
Same as 6/18 – 6/19

Duration Date
10 hours 6/18 - 6/19; 11/5 - 11-6
Original Price Early bird price
¥3800 ¥2880